The 21-Day Purification Program: It’s not a fad diet; it’s a new way of life.

Dec 6, 2022Nutrition

The 21-Day Purification Program: It’s not a fad diet; it’s a new way of life.

Kick off the New Year with a health challenge designed to meet your specific needs that is not only proven to work and produce long-term results but is, in fact, actually good for your body. The 21-Day Purification Program is a structured plan for purifying, nourishing, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

We’re tired of the cookie-cutter quick-to-die diet trends that ultimately don’t work. 

There’s a reason the 8 billion humans on our planet don’t follow the same diet plan and workout regimen: our bodies and how they process foods, store fat, burn fat, build muscle, etc., are completely different. 

For example, what works for a 27-year-old professional male athlete doesn’t work for a 49-year-old woman going through menopause. Along the same lines, intermittent fasting has proven beneficial in people with Type 2 Diabetes. However, it’s a terrible eating style for marathon runners.

You get it … diets, eating trends, whatever you call them, fall short when it comes to a customized experience, leaving people frustrated and defeated trying to fit a mold not made specifically for them. This, more often than not, results in “yo-yo” dieting and can be crippling to one’s body and mind.

Purification: A strategy that works

When done right, purification, also known as detoxification, is a surefire method designed for anyone whose goal is to maintain a healthy body and weight. Not to be confused with detox diets and juice cleanses that deprive the body of crucial nutrients and calories, a structured, well-designed purification program takes you on a total body health and educational journey from start to finish.

The idea of purification is simple: filter out the bad, then absorb the good. Instead of eating nothing, eat all the right things – whole foods packed with nutrients that nourish detoxifying organs like the liver, the lungs, the kidneys, and the colon so they can do their jobs better. As you go along, you’ll learn what foods your unique body and its systems don’t handle well, the foods that cause bloating and inflammation, heartburn, and so on. Sorry, but it doesn’t matter what your taste buds think! 

Once you figure out your body’s relationship with different foods, you’ll begin to define your new habits and build a healthy eating plan to help you meet your lifestyle and nutritional needs. There’s no better way to start over than to purify and rebuild from the inside out.

Improved health

A purification program can significantly and positively affect the body’s biochemistry while allowing natural toxins and byproducts of daily metabolism to be eliminated. Once your toxic load begins to decrease, your body will start to concentrate on renewal. 

The main benefits of the 21-day purification program include the following:

  • Improved weight-management results
  • Increased energy/vitality
  • Better digestion
  • Less bloating and inflammation
  • Clearer skin
  • A reduction in PMS symptoms
  • Better sleep
  • Improved circulation

Healthy eating habits > weight loss

The long-term goal of the 21-day purification program is to establish healthy eating habits, not to serve as a weight-loss program. Will people lose weight during both purification and post-purification? Yes. Is weight loss sustainable without a weight management plan? No.

With any diet, it’s important to know that the ideal weight management system is not a quick fix but a long-term commitment. As a result, you will need to make lifestyle changes and sometimes sacrifices that will continue long after the purification process is complete. Those changes may include things like regular exercise, reducing alcohol consumption, or avoiding artificial sweeteners. (PSA: they’re toxic.)

What better way to kick off the New Year than with a new health challenge? 

Stop eating what isn’t working. Are you up for the challenge? We’re offering free body composition analysis in our office for anyone interested in the 21-day purification program. Ask us for more details.

The challenge includes a detailed shopping list, day-by-day meal plans, recipes, and more. It begins on January 9, 2023. The winner (whoever has the biggest change in body composition from start to finish) will receive a special prize from PHIT!

*The information provided here is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. You should always consult with your doctor before making any dietary or physical fitness changes. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding should not participate in the 21-day purification challenge.

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